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Mario Benavente elected as 2024 vice president for APAMO Constituency Group

By Staff Report, posted Dec 6, 2023 on

Mario Benavente

Fayetteville City Council Member Mario Benavente has been elected as the 2024 Vice President for the National League of Cities Asian Pacific American Municipal Officials Constituency Group for 2024. Benavente will serve a two year term and is the only representative from North Carolina. 

The National League of Cities is the oldest and largest national organization representing municipal governments throughout the United States. Its mission is to strengthen and promote cities as centers of opportunity, leadership, and governance.

Working in partnership with the 49 state municipal leagues, the National League of Cities serves as a resource to and an advocate for the more than 19,000 cities, villages, and towns it represents. More than 1,700 municipalities of all sizes pay dues to NLC and actively participate as leaders and voting members in the organization.

Established within NLC in 1985, Asian Pacific American Municipal Officials (APAMO) is a caucus within NLC that provides municipal officials who identify and ally with the Asian Pacific American to connect with their colleagues in a forum to share ideas and develop leadership experience. APAMO serves as a vehicle for members to discuss problems and explore solutions, debate policy issues and contribute to the success of American cities and towns.

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