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December IT job postings and a look at NC’s 2023 annual report

By Staff Report, posted Jan 24, 2024 on

Graph courtesy of NC TECH

The NC Technology Association (NC TECH) has released its snapshot of available IT positions in the state for December 2023.

Fayetteville recorded 250 IT job postings for December. 

“Commenting on the monthly IT Job Postings during 2023 has been challenging. Not only were monthly comparisons being made to record-breaking months of 2022, but continued headlines of layoffs, hiring freezes and economic uncertainty continued a downward trajectory for postings for 2023,” stated Andrea Fleming, Director of Talent + Workforce Development for NC TECH, in a press release. “The year concluded with a decrease of 44 percent in postings compared to January 2023.”

Encouragingly, optimism surfaced in the recent NC TECH Pulse leadership survey among member companies, revealing that 62 percent of them have intentions to recruit and hire new talent during the first quarter of 2024. 

For NC TECH’s full report for December 2023 as well as past reports click here

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