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UNCP Thomas Entrepreneurship Hub offering free training sessions

By Staff Report, posted Aug 22, 2024 on

The Thomas Entrepreneurship Hub at UNC Pembroke will be offering new training sessions in finances and agriculture starting in September. 

Both courses will be offered at The Thomas Entrepreneurship Hub, located at 202 Main Street in Pembroke.

Ag Training: 

A free 10-week sustainable ag certification program will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m., beginning Sept. 10. The course will be held on Tuesday. Participants will be introduced to various topics, including terminology, soil compositions/classifications, general forestry, mycology, innovations in agriculture, hydrology, animal science, pollination, ag business concepts and ag finances.

Registration is limited to 15 participants. Participants can register here.

A Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Food Safety Principles and Practices workshop will be held from 9 a.m. to noon on October 8. The workshop is free. The interactive workshop is designed to help farmers assess their operations for food and safety and provide them with strategies and practices to minimize safety risks in the field and packhouse.

Interested participants can register here.

For information, please contact Ed Hunt at 910.775.4210.

Financial Literacy Training: 

A free, six-week financial literacy workshop will be held at UNC Pembroke’s Thomas Entrepreneurship Hub beginning Sept. 10. 

The deadline to apply is Sunday, Aug. 25. Financial Fitness: Mastering Credit & Financial Management empowers small businesses to become bankable, fundable and bondable. The training will improve financial literacy business operations, build stronger credit profiles, reduce financial risk and provide access to funding.

The course will be held every Tuesday from 6 to 8 p.m. through Oct. 15.

The training is hosted by the Fayetteville-Cumberland Regional Entrepreneur & Business Hub and will be facilitated by Sylvia Glanton, owner of Personameant Solutions.

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