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Athletic performance unit adds nutrition station through Karen L. and Kelvin Sampson gift

By Staff Report, posted Sep 17, 2024 on

Photo provided by UNCP.

Officials at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke recently announced that, as a result of the continued philanthropy from Trustee Karen L. and Kelvin Sampson, the newly installed Athletics Nutrition Station has been named in their honor. 

The Sampson's investment will create a hub for nutrition, education and resources for student-athletes looking to get the most out of their athletics experience, as well as create lifelong healthy eating habits. 

"Karen and Kelvin know firsthand the demands that are placed on student-athletes, said Chancellor Robin Gary Cummings in a press release. "They understand that in order to compete on the court, students need to be well prepared off the court and that includes proper nutrition, wellness and balance in life."

Trustee Karen L. Sampson has served on the UNC Pembroke Board of Trustees since 2018. A 1976 graduate of Pembroke State, Karen graduated cum laude with a bachelor's degree in early childhood education. She was active in various student activities, including the Indianhead Yearbook and marching band. 

A 1978 graduate of Pembroke State, Kelvin Sampson was a member of the men's basketball and baseball team. Sampson served as team captain for the Braves on the basketball team. The Pembroke native was inducted into the UNC Pembroke Athletics Hall of Fame in 1998. Sampson has been the men's basketball coach at the University of Houston since 2014. 

"One thing that I have always thought was important and I tell every kid that I coach is don't forget where you come from, be proud of where you come from," said Kelvin Sampson in a press release. " No matter where we have been, Pembroke has always been with us. I am blessed to have been raised in this town. Pembroke is a special place."

In addition to being long-time Braves Club members, the Sampson family established the John W. (Ned) and Eva B. Sampson Endowed men's basketball scholarship. 

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