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Lillington Area Chamber of Commerce announces Rock the River Award recipients

By Staff Report, posted Sep 25, 2024 on

Lillington Area Chamber of Commerce recently hosted the 2024 Rock the River Awards, which celebrate and recognize some of Lillington’s finest community leaders and businesses.

This year’s awardees were:

Matt Brown (right) - Photos provided by LACC

Man of the Year: Matt Brown, Fulton Farm

Melanie Stewart (right)

Woman of the Year: Melanie Stewart, The Underground Railroad

Business of the Year: Butterfly Counseling

Bill and Mildred Johnson Beautification Award: First Bank & Trust Co. of Virginia

The awards ceremony took place at Carolina Barn in Angier, where guests enjoyed delicious food and drinks as they gathered to celebrate the contributions of locals to the betterment of the community.

Business of the Year: Butterfly Counseling
Bill and Mildred Johnson Beautification Award: First Bank and Trust Co. of Virginia





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