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Elizabethtown moves forward with “Safe Streets for All” plan

By Staff Report, posted Dec 20, 2024 on

Residents who attended Public Meeting #2 of the Safe Streets for All program reviewed the data collected on transportation and safety issues in Elizabethtown, heard what counter measures could be employed, and then provided input on the prioritization of the main transportation corridor. The public meeting was held at the Elizabethtown Town Hall on Thursday, Dec. 12.

Representatives of the consulting team of CTL Engineers and AECOM described the different measures to collect data on needed transportation and safety concerns including a public meeting in October and an online survey that allowed users to identify areas of concern. A road audit was conducted in November where the consulting team, NCDOT representatives, town officials, and about a dozen residents toured the streets in a bus.

Seven major transportation corridors were identified from the data, surveys and the physical audit. 

Seven major transportation corridors were identified from the data, surveys and the physical audit.

The proposed 7 corridors are:

During the presentation, the consulting team reviewed each corridor and discussed what improvements could be employed. These measures included the installation of crosswalks, traffic signals, streetlights, sidewalks and wayfinding signage. They also describe ways of mitigating hazardous areas through widening lanes, providing advance warning signage and managing the number of driveways and other access on major thoroughfares.

A full description of the presentation and handouts are available on the Town’s website under the Projects tab here

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