Achievers & Accolades

Lumberton resident Mickey Gregory receives The Order of the Long Leaf Pine award

By Staff Report, posted 7 months ago
Pictured left to right:  Senator Danny Britt, Mickey Gregory, former Chamber Chair, Suzanne Abbott-Image Committee Chair and Cindy Kern-Executive Director Lumberton Area Chamber of Commerce. 
Photo provided by: Lumberton Area Chamber of Commerce 

The Lumberton Area Chamber of Commerce Committee nominated Mickey Gregory for the prestigious award of The Order of the Long Leaf Pine.  Senator Danny Britt presented the award on June 27th, 2024 in the presence of Chamber members, family and friends.

The Order of the Long Leaf Pine is North Carolina’s highest civilian honor given to recognize lifetime achievements of community service.  It is given by the Governor to those who have had significant impact upon our State.  Mickey’s decades of service have left an indelible mark on our community with a legacy characterized by tireless advocacy, visionary leadership and a commitment to the betterment of our City, County and State.

Pictured left to right: Cindy Kern- Executive Director, Lumberton Chamber of Commerce, Debbie Branyon-Chamber Chair, Mickey Gregory and Suzanne Abbott- Image Committee Chair. Photo provided by: Lumberton Area Chamber of Commerce 

Most recently, Mickey retired from Canal Wood, LLC after 43 years.  From 2008 to 2015, she served as Executive Director of the Lumberton Visitors Bureau, promoting Lumberton and Robeson County throughout the United States.  She organized the first Lumber River Day Festival and was instrumental in Lumberton’s designation as North Carolina’s first Certified Retirement Community.  She also led efforts for Lumberton’s selection as the film location for the movie “Shake off the World”.  In 2015, she received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Governor recognizing her contributions to her community and State.  In 2016, she received the State of North Carolina Cardinal Award for her service to North Carolina.  Mickey was also the first recipient of the Robeson County Arts Council’s Proud Peacock Award for her support of the Arts.

A devoted cheerleader for our community, Mickey has served as a member of multiple organizations and boards, including Robeson Community College Foundation, United Way, Lumberton Community Relations Committee, Southeastern Health’s Hospitable Neighbors Committee, Lumberton Rotary, Robeson Road Runners, Robeson County Arts Council, Robeson County History Museum and NC Cooperative Extension Joint Advisory Committee.  She has served as Vice President of the Rediscover Downtown Lumberton Board and as Chair of the Lumberton Area Chamber of Commerce.  In 2019 while serving as Chamber Chair, she organized an Image Committee to promote only positive news, events and opportunities throughout Robeson County.  This is shared on the Facebook page “Trending in Robeson” where “ALL THINGS GOOD” are promoted.

Mickey is a proud graduate of The University of North Carolina at Pembroke.  She remains dedicated to her alma mater and has served on the UNCP Alumni Board and UNCP Foundation Board.  She is a true Braves fan and is a member of the UNCP Braves Cluib.  In 2012, she was named an honorary co-chair of UNCP’s 125th Anniversary Committee.  In 2015, she received the UNCP Outstanding Alumna Award.  In 2020, she was appointed to UNCP’s Board of Trustees and currently serves as Secretary of the Board.

The Lumberton Area Chamber of Commerce applauds Mickey Gregory for her volunteer service, extraordinary achievements and substantial contributions to our community and State.  She has contributed significantly to the City of Lumberton and County of Robeson and played a pivotal role in the growth and success of both.

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