As a non-profit organization dedicated to “transforming people’s relationship with plants and the natural world,” the Cape Fear Botanical Garden has a very unique mission to educate and provide programs and events to connect the people of Fayetteville and its surrounding areas with nature.
To help with that mission, the Cape Fear Botanical Garden welcomed a new Director of Philanthropy, Shannon Bell, in August of 2024.
Bell has a decade of experience fundraising for higher education, nonprofit and healthcare organizations and has brought that valuable experience to help the Garden reach its philanthropic goals. The Greater Fayetteville Business Journal got to know more about Bell, her history and her vision for 2025 in her new position.
GFBJ: How did you get your start in philanthropy?
BELL: For a long time, I wanted to practice law so I could help people and channel my strong sense of justice and love for community. While I was in school, I had a frank conversation with my boss at the time, John Raper, and he counseled me in a meaningful way. He assured me there were other ways to make the impact I wanted to make. I was going to school at night during that time and he encouraged me to stop trying to work full time, take care of a child and go to school; he said I should focus on finishing school, so I did. I transferred from Fayetteville Technical Community College to the University of North Carolina (UNC) and graduated with a degree in public policy.
While at UNC, I was the beneficiary of scholarship and programming created by donors at UNC. As a student, I spent a lot of time talking to donors to tell my story, and was pretty certain I wanted to go into nonprofit work after graduation. My mentor at the time, Steve Farmer, asked if I had ever considered working in development based on what he observed in my volunteer work and interactions with donors. My first job after graduation was in fundraising where I learned how to build a strong fundraising program. Solving public problems requires resources and, while we can indeed generate revenue to solve some problems, philanthropy is where people come together to bridge a gap and fill a need. It’s fulfilling to help people and strengthen our community and that’s what I’ve always sought out to accomplish.
GFBJ: After holding positions in Harnett County, Chapel Hill, NC and Virginia, what brought you to Fayetteville?
BELL: My mother is the baby of six and my grandfather retired here, so Fayetteville is our home. I met my husband at UNC where we were both fundraising. Unexpectedly, he was presented with an opportunity to come to Fayetteville State to do some really important work in our community. So when we attended Garden Gathering, an annual event to raise support for the Cape Fear Botanical Garden, I learned they had recently posted their director of philanthropy position and was asked to throw my name in the hat. It turns out, the Garden checked nearly all the boxes I needed professionally and I could do some really important work right here at home while also working in the same town with my husband and building a life for our family.
GFBJ: What are some of the philanthropic needs of a non-profit organization like CFBG?
BELL: We find that the two places that are the hardest to generate revenue are education and horticulture; these two areas are directly aligned with our mission to connect people with nature. While we do generate revenue from grants, memberships and event rentals, educational programs and maintenance to beautify our gardens are supported predominantly by our donors.
Memberships are a great way to experience the benefits of the Garden and support general operations to keep our garden growing, all puns intended, [they are also] a great way to be an annual donor and that is a great need for us.”
GFBJ: As a philanthropist, what motivates you?
BELL: When I give and when I lead a giving initiative, I am motivated by seeing an impactful project through to the end and reading or reporting back that positive change was the result. I generally want to see individuals and groups of people become the highest and best versions of themselves in the most independent way. Seeing that change happen is my purpose in the world.
GFBJ: What advice would you give to someone considering philanthropy for the first time?
BELL: Let your decision to give be led by ‘why.’ Why do you want to give? What do you want to accomplish with your giving? These are some of my favorite questions to ask when I’m getting to know a donor. Becoming a philanthropist really means you get to understand yourself better and what motivates you.
GFBJ: What are the biggest challenges you see facing philanthropy today?
BELL: The next generation of philanthropists are giving less because it’s habitual and the ‘right thing to do because my parents gave.’ Our young people are demanding more transparency, and greater impact. They are more aware of their power to make change by giving and see themselves as the conduit to accountability. Growing up with unlimited access to information through the internet has given them access to understanding what the issues are and they have more of a global mindset. I actually see these things as a positive in forming their identity as a philanthropist and reducing corruption.
GFBJ: As we go into the new year, what are some of your philanthropic goals for the Garden?
BELL: First and foremost, I want to continue to meet all our high level donors in person so I can deepen their engagement with our work and connect them to the impact they want to make through the Garden. I want our donors to be well informed about their investment in us. Meg Suraci and I would like to increase our memberships and the number of grants we’re applying for to support our education programming. I’d also like to meet new folks in the community who are looking for a place to make change when it comes to education and wellness so I can be the conduit for them to make those visions become a reality.
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