The deadline for Cumberland County residents to complete the 2024 Community Health Needs Assessment has been extended to June 21. The Cumberland County Department of Public Health encourages residents to complete the Community Health Assessment in order to support the department’s efforts to gather information about the health and well-being of residents and help identify ways to address these needs and concerns in the future.
The Health Department, hospitals and other agencies are completing the 2024 Community Health Needs Assessment. The survey is available via hard copy or can be completed online. The original survey deadline was June 7, but has been extended to June 21.
Go to Cumberland County 2024 CHA survey to take the 2024 CHA survey in English or Spanish. The survey is for individuals who are 18 years of age or older and residents of Cumberland County. Residents who want to complete a paper copy of the survey can visit the Public Health Center located at 1235 Ramsey St., Fayetteville.
The CHA offers a comprehensive picture of health, needs and resources in the community. Its goal is to describe the health needs of the community and to guide the development of strategies to address those needs. The CHA is the foundation for all local public health strategic planning, priorities, coordination community action plans, and evaluation. This process is conducted every three to four years to meet requirements for accreditation for both local health departments and non-profit hospitals.
If you would like more information about the Cumberland County Department of Public Health’s programs and services, health-related data, or community resources, please call 910-433-3600 or visit with someone at the information desk or visit our website at Comments are welcome and can be submitted to The Health Department is located at 1235 Ramsey St., Fayetteville.
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