Cape Fear Botanical Garden is pleased to announce the receipt of a Summertime Kids grant from Cumberland Community Foundation, Inc. The $5,000 grant will support camp activities and scholarships.
Cape Fear Botanical Garden is grateful for the thoughtful support of the Cumberland Community Foundation and its donors. Summer camp is an experience every child deserves, but not every family can accommodate. This support provides deserving children in the community with an opportunity to get outside and become excited about the wonders of the natural world.
“Camp at Cape Fear Botanical Garden guides hundreds of children in discovering the joy of learning about nature. Activities with S.T.E.A.M. themes include science experiments, art projects, outdoor explorations and interactive games. Camp at the Garden provides opportunities for social and emotional growth while helping children improve skills, build friendships and enjoy a feeling of belonging. Camp also inspires children to become good stewards of our Earth,” said Barbara Goldentyer, Environmental Education Manager in a press release.
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