Business Education

Sandhills Community College launches Access Advocates to promote campus-wide support and opportunity

By Staff Report, posted 1 month ago
First Row, center: Shenika Ward, Dean of Engagement, stands with a newly formed group of campus-wide Access Advocates at Sandhills Community College including President Alexander "Sandy" Stewart, in the back row, far right. Photo provided by Sandhills Community College.

Sandhills Community College recently launched Access Advocates, a new initiative designed to ensure that access and opportunity remain at the forefront of institutional decision-making.

This newly developed initiative will embed staff and faculty advocates into all campus wide committees to help in identifying and addressing potential barriers to student success. The team members will focus on integrating access and opportunity into institutional processes to enhance student experiences and success. Various departments comprise the committee including people from human resources, administration, faculty, staff, Hoke Center staff, workforce continuing education, student services, planning and research, athletics and the development office.

“As an open-access institution, Sandhills Community College serves students from various backgrounds, including first-generation, dual-enrolled and students with unique learning needs,” said Sandhills Community College President Alexander “Sandy” Stewart in a press release. “Instead of expecting students to be ‘college-ready,’ the initiative ensures that the institution is student-ready, making education more accessible for all.”

Access Advocates will serve on key institutional committees, ensuring that policy changes, academic programs and student services are viewed through a lens of accessibility and student success. Monthly professional development sessions will equip advocates with the tools to think critically and innovatively about access issues. The initiative aligns with the college’s 2024-2028 Strategic Plan, reinforcing institutional goals of integrity, respect and opportunity.

“We hope to serve as a model for other institutions aiming to foster access in a practical, sustainable way,” said Shenika Ward, Dean of Engagement and organizer of the Access Advocate group at Sandhills Community College, in a press release.

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