Commercial Real Estate

Thomas Entrepreneurship Hub welcomes new tenant; ETI’s X8 Lab currently under construction

By Faith Hatton, posted 1 year ago


A new technology education hub will soon be available to Robeson County’s budding engineers and tech thinkers. 

Emerging Technology Institute is preparing to open the doors to its new headquarters for their Young Entrepreneurs internship program in the back of the Thomas Entrepreneurship Hub located at 202 Main St in Pembroke. 

ETI contracted White Walls Custom Painting and Design to renovate the Hub space. They also provided custom builds such as the check in desk, flooring and painting and design. 

Taking up nearly 4,000 square-feet of space, the X8 Lab will feature everything a growing tech enthusiast needs while also providing a safe, relaxed atmosphere to train and learn. 

The Lab includes an adjustable work space, storage space, and seating area for students.  

According to Emerging Technology Institute Founder and President James Freeman, the idea for the space came to him after it was brought to his attention that there was no tech specific place for students in the Pembroke area. 

“In June, I forced my daughter to go to a cybersecurity camp. She was mad, she was like ‘I don't know anything about cyber. It's at the community college, I don't want to do this.’ By the third or fourth day, she loved it. She got to be around other kids who were building things, she got to build a robot, she got to meet a federal employee, she got to see people come in and speak to them as employers and she loved it,” shared Freeman. “She said  ‘I want to go somewhere after school where I could do robots and drones like your work.’ We can't do that anywhere, we have a lot of students in our community that are tech savvy, but they have no place to go.”

ETI Founder and CEO James Freeman is dedicated to providing the Robeson County community with accessible tech education programs. 

According to Freeman, the X8 Lab was created with three core concepts in mind:

  1. Create a STEM Academy and after school program completely free to the community. 
  2. Allow a space to create prototypes for ETI and other government projects from Young Innovators. 
  3. Connect with area universities and Colleges to help commercialize research and turn ideas into products.  

The STEM Academy includes a curriculum that covers drones, coding, additive manufacturing (AKA:3D printing) and more, similar to the traveling STEM Innovation Sessions offered to schools. 

“You can sign up your students and bring them here from 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. They're gonna do hands-on exercises and get hands-on learning experiences with the Young Innovators,” shared Freeman. “This is a simulated work environment. Students are going to come here as if it’s a job and they’re going to work on government prototypes with us.” 

Currently the space can fit up to 35 students with the goal to appeal to ages eight through adulthood. Plans are also in the works to expand the Young Innovators program into the community beyond technology by starting a Young Innovators Street Team launching in 2024. 

“Young Innovators is kind of becoming a lifestyle brand. You have the Young Innovator internship and then we're gonna have the Young Innovator street team. So it's not just an internship, it's a community. It's a place for people to be inspired in the community and feel like they're a part of something,” shared ETI Director of Operations Lauren Sobotincic. “Anyone who comes in and just wants to be a part of it can come in, be part of the street team and we can go out and volunteer in the local community.” 

ETI is also taking advantage of their new location’s proximity to local businesses by recruiting their Hub neighbors and anchor tenants to get involved with the project. 

Vinyl Kings has called the Thomas Entrepreneurship HUB home since 2015 and designed the new X8 Lab logo.

ETI hired Vinyl Kings, a graphic design and sign shop and longtime Hub resident to design the logo for the X8 Lab. Owner Alfredo Irra worked closely with Freeman to design the logo which set the tone for the facility. 

“This is actually one of my best friends and he just happened to be in the same kind of space, but just in a different realm,” shared Irra. “I take what he's talking about and I just support what I can support. I just did the design, but he went and did all of the rest.” 

ETI also hired Hub neighbor Tuff Digital Marketing to design a new ETI website and optimize their web presence to help get the word out about the X8 Lab also expected to launch soon.

ETI's Hub neighbor Tuff Digital Marketing was tagged in to redesign the ETI website and help get the word out about the X8 Lab through web optimization.

“We do have a mock up in the works right now that we're getting approval on everything. And we're also showcasing the other organization, the ETI Young Innovators, so people will basically be going to a page where they're not overwhelmed with a lot of information, so it’s a great user experience,” shared Owner of Tuff Digital Marketing Joseph White. “And so highlighting the three different aspects of the business, making sure it's clearly laid out, making sure that parents can go to take action and start getting people signed up.” 

The space is expected to be complete and welcoming guests in for their first STEM Academy sessions with open house events planned for Dec. 18, 19 and 20 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Guest educators will come in on each day to give the community a sneak peek of what the facility will offer. 

Dec. 18 will feature nonprofit organization Community Made INC. Dec. 19 will feature nonprofit organization Communities in Schools and Dec. 20 will feature the North Carolina 4 H Extension Office from NC State.

The Lab is expected to open full time in January, 2024. 

Learn more about ETI here and the Thomas Entrepreneurship Hub here

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