The North Carolina Department of Transportation’s draft for the state’s transportation improvement plans for the next ten years is now available for review.
The State Transportation Improvement Program is the NCDOT’s guide that shows how and when transportation projects are expected to be funded over the next ten years. Any project scheduled in the first five years is generally considered to be committed, while those on the latter half are subject to be re-evaluated.
The STIP is usually updated every two year; however, the draft was developed under unique circumstances. Material and labor cost escalations led local, regional and state transportation planning partners to recommend foregoing the usual process for prioritizing projects.
This draft still adheres to the Strategic Transportation Investments Law since the projects are derived from the 2020-2029 STIP.
NCDOT plans to use public input and planning organization requests to produce a revised draft of the STIP by December.
Cumberland, Harnett, Robeson, Moore, Hoke, Sampson, and Bladen Counties are looking to see several improvements at various locations, upgrades to comply with the Americans Disabilities Act and Ecosystem Enhancement Program.
The draft for the 2024-2033 timeline can be found here.
Clark, a retired surgeon and businessman, is a longtime supporter of Methodist University with deep roots in theFayetteville community. Clark is also well known for his dominance on the basketball court as a center for the University of North Carolin
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