
NCRLA’s Serving Careers Campaign boosted hospitality employment in North Carolina

By Staff Report, posted 7 months ago
Graphic provided by: NCRLA

Since its launch in October 2023, the North Carolina Restaurant and Lodging Association’s (NCRLA) Serving Careers campaign has made a significant impact on the state’s hospitality industry, driving employment levels to unprecedented highs. Funded by a $5 million grant from the NC General Assembly’s Pandemic Recovery Funds, Serving Careers leveraged a strategic partnership with Indeed and a multi-channel advertising approach to connect job seekers with opportunities in restaurants, hotels, and other hospitality sectors.

As of May 2024, Serving Careers has garnered impressive metrics: 187,181,148 total impressions, 2,764,037 clicks, and 687,084 “application starts” on Indeed. These efforts contributed to a 10.1% increase in employment within food service, drinking establishments and accommodation places compared to 2023 and a remarkable 13.4% increase from pre-pandemic levels in 2019, according to data from the NC Department of Commerce.

Lynn Minges, President and CEO of NCRLA, emphasized the campaign’s role in revitalizing the hospitality sector in a press release stating: “To help the hospitality industry recover from devastating employment shortages exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, Serving Careers highlighted the breadth of job opportunities—from entry level to executive—in restaurants and hotels across North Carolina.”

The campaign utilized a comprehensive media strategy encompassing streaming TV and radio, social media platforms, and targeted public relations efforts to drive traffic to This central hub facilitated direct connections between potential employees and employers in the hospitality sector, resulting in a remarkable application start rate of 35%, surpassing Indeed’s typical benchmark of 20%.

Since its inception, Serving Careers has generated nearly 700,000 job application starts, with 75% directed towards restaurant positions and 25% towards hotel roles. Regionally, application starts were concentrated in key areas including the Triangle, Charlotte metro, Triad, Greenville-New Bern-Washington, Asheville, and Wilmington markets.

See how the campaign affected Cumberland, Harnett and Hoke Counties as of May 2024 here

Minges continued, “The success of Serving Careers underscores the resilience and appeal of the hospitality industry in North Carolina. Our partnership with Indeed and the support of state-level recovery funds have not only helped to fill crucial workforce gaps but have also reinvigorated interest in hospitality careers statewide.”

Although the paid advertising phase concluded on May 31, 2024, the Serving Careers website will remain active until May 2025, providing ongoing resources for job seekers and employers alike.

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