Military Business

Robeson, Cumberland Counties performed over $75M in federal prime contracts in 2021

By Staff Report, posted 3 years ago

In 2021, businesses executed $7.3 billion in federal prime contracts in North Carolina, according to the North Carolina Military Business Center. 

“Each of these prime contracts – and perhaps billions more in subcontracts – grows jobs, expands the economy and tax base and improves quality of life for everyone in North Carolina,” said NCMBC Executive Director Scott Dorney.  “The defense and federal economy in North Carolina remained strong in 2021, as the COVID- and hurricane-related surge of 2020 passed and businesses across the state leveraged sustained opportunities to grow their federal business portfolios.”


Prime contracts from all federal agencies executed in North Carolina: $7.3 billion

Department of Defense prime contracts executed in North Carolina: $3.8 billion

Businesses in 15 counties performed over $75 million in federal prime contracts. Included in the list was Cumberland County, clocking in at $1,457,469,978.57 and Robeson County at $321,813,220.65. 

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