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NCMBC to host webinar on how to market a business to federal customers

By Stephanie Meador, posted 2 years ago
Photo courtesy of NCMBC

The North Carolina Military Business Center is calling all businesses to join them online for an informational webinar focused on educating them about marketing their businesses to the military. Their informational session; “Effectively Presenting Your Business to the Government, Military & Prime Contractors” will be held virtually on Nov. 9 from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

This training focuses on real world tips, tricks, tools and lessons learned on how to effectively market a business to federal customers. It also focuses on techniques to market a business to federal prime contractors, in anticipation of teaming on current and future opportunities.

Sue Kranes will serve as the instructor for this session. Kranes has been in government contracting for over 40 years. 

“...a lot of people, especially small businesses, they end up spending their wills because they really don't, unfortunately, don't have the means to hire the right people to do their marketing because marketing people tend to be a little bit expensive,” said Kranes. 

Kranes expressed that anybody that is in business that is trying to sell their products or services can benefit from this class whether they are in the commercial world, private world, or the federal world. 

“...what I also try to share with the audience is they have to do their due diligence as well. Do their homework, find out what is it that they are having their organization fit, or can fulfill in a requirement of the government or a prime contractor, whether it's supply services or whatever the case may be. The thing in a nutshell is doing your homework, being focused, understanding what it is and who you're trying to market to, and how your organization can fit into the different marketing niches,” added Kranes. 

The webinar is free to attend but pre-registration is required. 

Visit to register for the session. 

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