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Beam named next VP for student life and Christian mission at Campbell University

By Staff Report, posted 2 years ago

Campbell University recently announced that REV. FAITHE BEAM will serve as the new vice president for student life and Christian mission.
Beam first joined the CU staff in 2002 as the director of student services for the Divinity School. In 2003, she earned her Master of Divinity degree from CU.

“I believe students most often remember the people who make up their Campbell experience — friends, faculty, staff and peers,” she said.
“They remember the people who have invested in them and hold on to experiences they shared with them.” 

In 2007, Beam assumed the position of campus minister.

Throughout her career at Campbell, Beam worked under Dr. Dennis Bazemore, who worked for more than 18 years in the cabinet before announcing his retirement.

“She has a deep love for students, she is well respected by our student body and she has grown in her role,” Bazemore said. “She is well equipped in so many ways to provide leadership in Student Life for years to come, and I am excited for her appointment as the next vice president.”
“I can think of no one better prepared to lead Campbell’s Student Life program than Rev. Faithe Beam. I am deeply grateful that she has answered this call to lead, and I am equally grateful for the outstanding leadership and commitment of Dr. Dennis Bazemore to Campbell’s student body for the last 18 years. We will miss his big smile, laughter and involvement in every aspect of Campbell University,” said President J. Bradley Creed.
“I am grateful to Dr. Bazemore for his strong and steady leadership,” Beam said. “He is a loyal steward of the Campbell experience in his care and commitment to students. He exemplifies the mission of Campbell in who he is and how he has served faithfully through his own purpose and calling.”

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