Fayetteville State University faculty, students and academic supporters all gathered together on Friday to officially welcome the institution’s 12th Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, Darrell T. Allison, J.D.
Despite originally having to postpone his Installment Ceremony due to COVID-19, Allison took on the positions on March 15, 2021. Now, after 19 months serving as chancellor and CEO, Allison was able to receive the Chancellor’s Medallion and publicly thank supporters who have helped with the development of some of the University’s biggest achievements in 2022.
Allison received words of support from North Carolina and Cumberland County education representatives, City of Fayetteville leaders, and FSU students, alumni, and faculty who have been working with him.
For his Installation Address, Chancellor Allison took time to thank close friends and family, honor the founders of the University and spoke on how he decided what to say during the ceremony.
“At the beginning of 2022, I felt very strongly, and wrote that for Fayetteville State, it was our time, ‘time for renewal and great expectations. Time to quicken the mind, reviving the resolve, it makes goals, once dormant and distant, feel attainable once again,’” said Chancellor Allison. “I went on to write: ‘We are mending what is broken, we are augmenting what we have while also breaking new ground. These are the steps of growth, these are the signs of renewal. Fayetteville State University, this is our time.’”
Allison took the opportunity to focus on the achievements of the University instead of speaking on his own personal stories and experiences.
“We fully understand that our first calling is to our students, and ensuring that we have the best faculty to educate them, and we do,” said Allison. “No doubt, I’m proud of the fact that we are one of the most affordable universities in the nation, we’re proud of the fact that we have just experienced the largest enrollment numbers in over 20 years, we’re proud of the fact that our faculty is working to have highly desirable degrees in cybersecurity, supply chain and construction management, these are all important and will continue to be a priority for this administration.”
Allison also addressed the need to continue to support the surrounding community as well as FSU moving forward.
“Fayetteville State University also has also set a new course. We have a responsibility in the community in which this campus is located. Our local and regional governments are depending upon us to do and support and do as we can,” said Allison.
Several new projects were also announced during the Installation Address including partnering with Fayetteville Technical Community College to establish a scholarship, named for current FTCC president Dr. J. Larry Keen, to offer free tuition for FSU to for FTCC students who complete an associates degree with a 3.0 grade point average or higher. The scholarship will take effect this fall, with nearly 100 “Keen’s scholars” expected to join the FSU student body.
Allison also spoke on the most recent scholarship opportunity through the Cumberland County Foundation. Fayetteville State University partnered with CCF to offer the CCF- FSU Cumberland First Scholar Initiative, a partnership created to provide free summer school to local students. The award will provide $580,060 in scholarships paid over three academic years: 2023/24, 2024/25, 2025/26, through funding from the Community Scholarship Endowment of the foundation.
Finally, Chancellor Allison spoke on future projects and additions to the FSU campus expected to continue to develop over the next few years.
The Installation Ceremony was the first of several events to be held from Sept. 23- 25. You can find more information on upcoming events online at www.uncfsu.edu/installation2022.
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