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Harnett County Economic Development Partnership seeks new Director

By Faith Hatton, posted 1 year ago
Photo courtesy of Harnett County Economic Development Partnership

The search is on for a new Economic Development Director for the Harnett County Economic Development Partnership,  a public-private organization promoting living wage jobs and capital investment within the County and its municipalities.

The previous Director of Economic Development Christian Lockamy announced his departure in a LinkedIn post in May, stating that he was leaving for a new opportunity in Mississippi. 

“Today is bittersweet. I just had my final meeting with the Harnett County Economic Development Partnership. I’ve enjoyed my time here and work to establish the organization. I’m grateful to the staff, board members, and community, and see a bright future for the County and Partnership. I’m excited to say I’m heading out to be the Deputy Chief Economic Development Officer for the Mississippi Development Authority,” Lockamy shared in his post.

Now, Harnett County is looking for a new head of the operation and will be hiring body in the search. 

According to County Manager Brent Trout, the ideal candidate will be someone with a background that shows their leadership skills, who will be capable of heading up a three person staff, and preferably would be willing to remain in the area for a longer period of time. 

“We desire that they've had some experience, maybe working for a county government, doing economic development work, working with different prospects that come to the community and being able to work through a recruitment process to get someone to locate here,” said Trout. 

The job is posted online and is open to apply to until July 5, 2023. 

Responsibilities listed on the posting include: 

“Developing and presenting the annual budget for the Department; developing the Department goals and objectives; establishing new and modifying existing policies and procedures to ensure compliance on every level with federal, state, and County guidelines and regulations; and supervising assigned staff members including the recommendations for hiring, promoting, coaching, evaluating, and disciplining employees as needed. This role also includes responsibilities in negotiating resolution of problems with contractors, landlords, owners, and tenants and in marketing programs and building rapport within the community.” 

Trout shared that the deadline may be extended depending on the applicants received. 

“We expect that it's going to take us a week or two depending on numbers, whether we have one interview and succeed in finding the right person, or if it takes a couple of rounds of interviews. It also depends on who we have apply as to whether we'll need to extend that closing deadline. I'd like to have somebody that could start by at least mid August if not before,” shared Trout. 

Trout also noted that the position works for Harnett County and not the Partnership itself. 

Lockamy served as the very first president and CEO of the partnership since its launch in Sept. 2022/ While he will be moving and will start his first day in his new position on June 30,  he shared his love of his past position in a statement to the Greater Fayetteville Business Journal stating: 

“I really enjoyed my time in Harnett County. It’s a really good community with solid leadership and amazing potential for continued success. I’m very proud of the work we undertook to establish the Harnett County Economic Development Partnership. There is an outstanding and dedicated staff in place to support the next Director, as well as strong, visionary leaders anchoring the Partnership Board. I’m excited for my next challenge in Mississippi, but will always be grateful for my time in Harnett County!”

The job posting can be found online here:

More information on the HCED can be found online here:

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