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Sandhills Community College welcomes guests from Moldova

By Staff Report, posted 1 month ago
Groups are pictured in the automotive collision and repair bay and outside of the horticultural gardens at Sandhills Community College.
Photo provided by: SCC

A delegation from the country of Moldova met with administrators, faculty and students of Sandhills Community College (SCC) as they toured campus on Jan. 28, 2025 and enjoyed presentations from various departments. The North Carolina-Moldova Partnership is a bilateral agreement between the state of North Carolina and the Republic of Moldova. The partnership was formalized in 1999 and has since expanded to include many organizations and individuals. 

Moldova delegates included: Sergiu Gherciu – State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Moldova; Viorel Bostan – Rector, Technical University of Moldova; Natalia Gașițoi – Rector, Alecu Russo Bălți State University; Radu Melnic – Director, College of the Technical University of Moldova; Daniela Pojar – Vice-rector for Finance and International Relations, Technical University of Moldova; and Chadi Sayde – Associate Professor, Biological and Agricultural Engineering.  

Delegation representatives from Moldova meet with administrators and faculty at Sandhills Community College to understand initiatives to support “Grow Your Own” network and workforce.
Photo provided by: SCC

In addition to the tour of the Pinehurst campus, they heard presentations and saw demonstrations that supported programs and pathways that align with local workforce needs under the theme “Grow Your Own”. Highlights included a tour of key facilities, highlighting infrastructure and student resources; an overview of SCC and North Carolina Community Colleges; presentation on SCC’s mission, programs, and role within the North Carolina community college system; discussion on SCC’s partnerships with local businesses and workforce development initiatives. Spotlights were presented by the Nursing and Health Sciences with an overview of the program and its contributions to local healthcare needs and discussion of graduate placement in the region; Landscape Gardening / Horticultural Gardens / USGA GAP with a presentation of the program’s impact on local agriculture and landscaping industries as well as a tour of the horticultural gardens; Automotive, Collision and Repair with a demonstration of program facilities and curriculum and discussion on industry partnerships and workforce outcomes.

According to the North Carolina Secretary of State website, as a country, the United States benefits significantly from a more stable Moldova and one that views our country favorably. The existing relationship originally evolved from a partnership between the NC National Guard and the Defense Forces of Moldova. The relationship between North Carolina and Moldova has contributed greatly to our Country's favorable presence in the eyes of the governmental, professional and civic leaders of Moldova. At present, there are substantial NC-Moldova interactions in the academic, cultural, business, religious and military circles.

Moldova is a proud country with an intelligent and educated population. Yet, Moldova presently experiences adverse economic conditions because of historical circumstances. Over the past five years, the extensive interactions between NC and Moldova institutions and peoples have provided an open window between our societies, which has a value beyond measurement in dollars, and cents. Throughout Eastern Europe the North Carolina-Moldova partnership is viewed as one for others to emulate in order to help these countries develop civic and governmental institutions that will stand the tests of time.

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