
President Trump begins process to establish Lumbee Tribe’s full federal recognition; Tribe acknowledges signed memorandum

By Staff Report, posted 1 month ago

The Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina is thrilled to learn that President Donald J. Trump signed a memorandum that establishes the United States of America's support for the Tribe’s full federal recognition. Tribal Chairman John L. Lowery says this action is a direct follow through of the campaign promises made by the President and shows his dedication to the Lumbee people.

The memorandum establishes that it is the policy of the United States to support federal recognition and full tribal benefits for the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina. It directs the Secretary of the Interior to submit a plan to assist the Lumbee Tribe in obtaining full federal recognition through legislation or other available mechanisms, including the right to receive full federal benefits.

“This is a great step for the new administration and we encourage Congress to move forward with codifying this policy of President Trump toward full federal recognition of the Lumbee People,” said Tribal Chairman John L. Lowery in a press release.

The State of North Carolina recognized the Lumbee Tribe in 1885, and in 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the 1956 Lumbee Act, which recognized the Lumbee with some benefits, but denied the tribe federal benefits and services set aside for Indian nations. President Trump is the first President to sign such a memorandum declaring full federal recognition for the Lumbee Tribe as official policy of the U.S. government and to lay the groundwork for what the Lumbee have been fighting toward for more than 100 years.

Click here to read the full memorandum.

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