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Sep 30, 2023

Should you have AI cameras for your business?

Sponsored Content provided by Luke Wheeler - Vice President, Holmes Security Systems

Should you have AI cameras for your business?


AI (Artificial intelligence) is all the rage and rapidly transforming many industries; your business's security is no exception. AI cameras are becoming increasingly popular among companies of all sizes, as they offer many advantages over traditional security cameras. 


Some of the key reasons why businesses might want to consider using AI cameras for security include:


Improved accuracy

AI cameras can detect and identify objects, people, and events more accurately than traditional security cameras. They use sophisticated algorithms to analyze video footage in real time rather than simply recording it.

For example, they can be programmed to recognize specific individuals, vehicles, or objects, helping your business monitor sensitive areas or prevent theft.


Reduced false alarms

AI cameras can also help to reduce false alarms. Traditional security cameras can generate false alarms due to various factors, such as shadows, glare, and animals. However, AI cameras can distinguish between real threats and false alarms, saving you time and money.


Enhanced deterrence

AI cameras can also help to deter crime. The presence of AI cameras can send a message to potential criminals that they are being monitored and that their actions will be recorded. This can help to prevent crimes from happening in the first place.


Greater visibility

AI cameras can help businesses to gain greater visibility into their operations. For example, use these cameras with enhanced analytics to track movement, monitor behaviors, and identify potential safety hazards. This information can be used to improve business efficiency and safety.



Here are some specific examples of how AI cameras can be used to improve business security:

  • Retail stores: Detect and prevent theft & track movement.
  • Banks: identify and deter fraud, monitor activity, and protect assets.
  • Warehouses: prevent theft, track inventory, and monitor productivity.
  • DayCares/Schools: Monitor student activity, identify potential threats, and help prevent bullying.
  • Office buildings: Control access, monitor employee movement, and protect confidential information.


The AI cameras that we offer at Holmes Security Systems will allow you to 

• Remote live stream (with HD availability)

• Easily share camera streams with first responders

• Receive an Email/SMS Notification

• View the Live Footage From any Desktop / Mobile Device 

• OTA (Over the Air) Upgrades 

• Upload photos to flag individuals around your business 

• Simplify your security workflow & quickly resolve incidents 

• Find people/vehicles of interest in seconds 


Whether you already have security cameras and want to learn more about how upgrading to an enhanced intelligence experience can help you in your business or if you want to learn more about integrating them into your business for the first time, the team at Holmes Security Systems is here to help you with your Access and Security and Life Safety needs.


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