Call me sappy, but one of my favorite movies of all time is “It’s a Wonderful Life.” I know we are well beyond the Christmas season, but I think the theme is timeless, and it just so happens to take place at Christmas time when all of our emotions are typically at a tipping point.
Of course, most of us know the story. George Bailey, the central character, is having a crisis in his life which is causing him to question his value to his family and friends. He comes to a conclusion that everyone would’ve been better off had he not been born. And of course, Clarence, his guardian angel, allows him to see a glimpse of what his beloved Bedford Falls, and all of his friend’s and family’s lives would be like without him. I love the line from Clarence where he says to George, “You’ve been given a great gift, George: A chance to see what the world would be like without you.” Once George realizes his impact and worth, his entire attitude changes, and he realizes just how valuable his relationships are to himself and to others.
I’m sort of reliving this moment currently in that my friend, co-worker and employee, Priscilla Nelson is retiring today. Her impact on the lives of her work family and friends, colleagues, vendors, customers, etc. has been indelible and she will be missed by our business for sure. Clearly my life and my family’s lives would have not been the same if we had not had Priscilla on our team for the past 30 years. Her impact at Greater Fayetteville Business Journal has been immense, too. Although our world at GFBJ will move on, it will be difficult to replace her steadfast commitment and dedication. We wish her all the best and hope she realizes that she has been an amazing asset to our team and community. We dedicate this issue to her, and hope she feels like the richest woman in town because of her friends and family and her impact on all of us during her career! Well done, Priscilla.
On a different note, please be on the lookout for our 2025 Annual Book on Business in many of your mailboxes on March 7.
The 2025 Book on Business is a ninety-two (92) page, cover to cover, 11 x 14, 4 color gloss publication - showcasing businesses and economic information within the Fayetteville MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) and its adjacent counties - which collectively we refer to below as the Fayetteville region.
As the fourth largest MSA in NC, the publication highlights the Fayetteville region as a significant economy. The publication also serves as an annual update to businesses and community leaders on initiatives that boost economic development.
In addition to being mailed to Business Journal subscribers, the Book on Business (or BoB) will be distributed throughout the year at different Business Journal events, by area Chambers, economic development groups and other institutions that support business development in the Fayetteville region.
OUR MISSION at Greater Fayetteville Business Journal is to provide actionable business news and information to our readers in Fayetteville/Cumberland County, as well as Harnett, Hoke, Moore, Robeson, Bladen and Sampson Counties. We offer online and print business news/information, in addition to compelling in person events.
Please consider requesting our 2025 media kit and see how you can become an online/ print advertiser and/or a sponsor of one of our signature events.
And please remember to share your newsworthy business stories with us. E-MAIL US AT
Finally, I would like to invite you to consider becoming a paid subscriber. You can do this by going to With your subscription, you will receive:
Thanks for your support. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
God bless you and yours!
Since opening in 2023, Warren and her company have been able to transform areas people normally wouldn’t take a second glance at. Photo by Catherine Warren.The City of Fayetteville is a unique city with unique needs. The transient nature of Fayettevi
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