PHOTO PROVIDED BY: FASTMED There are 55 FastMed urgent care walk-in clinics and Family Medicine locations across the state. Blue Cross NC has agreed to acquire only FastMed’s NC locations.On Oct. 20, 2023, Blue Cross NC announced that the compan ...
PHOTO PROVIDED BY TEAMLOGIC ITTeamLogic IT’s Eastern North Carolina branch operates in Fayetteville, Raleigh,Greenville and Wilmington, providing information technology (IT) infrastructuremanagement and cybersecurity consulting, to area businesses.Te ...
Cody Hopper, owner/operator of the Chick-fil-a on Skibo Rd. - Photo provided by Mr. HopperOne of the south’s most popular franchises is none other than Chick-fil-A. Whether you spring out of bed to make it in time for Chick-n-Minis™, brave the lunch ...
Fayetteville’s local economy, abundant pool of talent and labor sources and military affiliation make it the perfect area to start abusiness or introduce a franchise - Photo created with CanvaWelcome to our Nov. 17 issue where we are highlighting som ...
The UPS Store and Print Shop in Hope Mills is the most recent addition to the UPS and Print Shops operated by the Milburn family. The storefront opened in November of 2022. PHOTO PROVIDED BY THE UPS STORE AND PRINT SHOP AT WESTWOOD SHOPPING CENTERNov ...
Revolution Apex is a pioneering 256-slice CT machine. It features a modular design that offers a seamless path to continuous hardware, software scalability and upgradability that will extend the life and adaptability of the CT scanner. Photo provided
AFCEA North Carolina is hosting its annual TechNet Fort Liberty Symposium and Exposition from Feb. 5-7 with the theme “Integrated Defense: Advancing National Security through Emerging Technologies and Collaborative Strategies.” Photo provided by AFCE
At the Cumberland County Schools Career Pathway Fair, students get the opportunity to learn about career pathways and visualize their plans for success. Photo provided by Cumberland County Schools.The annual Cumberland County Schools Career Pathway F