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Publisher's Note: What a magnificent month of March!

By Marty Cayton, posted 6 months ago

What an impactful month March is! We get to honor the women in our lives throughout the month of March, and more specifically on March 8 for International Women’s Day. We also get to celebrate the beginning of new life in spring which coincidentally is the day I am writing these comments! March madness has certainly not disappointed North Carolinians this year either, especially Wolfpack fans!
With so much heaviness in the world, it’s very nice and even therapeutic, to think about all the good things that are happening around us.
In this issue, we continue to celebrate women in business, and we are proud to do so. Their accomplishments stand out. My wife and I have raised two
girls of our own and we know firsthand the struggles our girls have experienced over the years trying to fit a mold that our culture, and sometimes even their own family, might have unintentionally placed on them. (I am still learning as a parent - even with adult children!) I had a recent conversation with another friend who was sharing some of his experiences with me. The outcome of our conversation was a consensus that women are so much better than us guys in so many ways!
I’m just glad the good Lord has given me the opportunity to be married to one of these beautiful people! And also for us to have had the opportunity to raise two beautiful women and continue to participate in their lives, helping them see that they are equal but also very different, and the value that they bring to their Creator, their place in this world, their dad, their mom, our family, and their current and future families are immeasurable and irreplaceable.

One other aspect that’s especially exciting about this March is the fact that we get to celebrate the Easter holiday early this year. I am well aware that some people get a little uncomfortable when there are conversations about religion. I certainly don’t want to make anyone feel uncomfortable, but I believe it is very relevant to bring up Jesus Christ in a month where we both honor women and celebrate His resurrection from the dead!

Many theologians and historians talk about the great many civil enlightenments that Jesus taught about and lived in many aspects. A great example of this was His treatment of women. In all four gospels, you see Jesus, elevating women, including women, and even appearing to women, first after his resurrection. In fact, many scholars agree that if the resurrection account were false, most assuredly women would not have been “written in” as the first eyewitnesses, since during this time their testimonies were not considered valid or reliable. But Jesus saw their value and made sure that their value was clear to those around Him. So much so that there is example after example of Jesus elevating the value of women. If Jesus did this (and still does), guys, we should too!

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